Lessons from Motherhood

Let go.

Don’t worry about the plan.

IMG_6552Reinforced the lesson to take it one day at a time.

What I want doesn’t matter, but my husband will work really hard to try to give it to me.

IMG_6045Cuddling is the most wonderful thing in the world.

They get better as they get older, but how squishy they are in the beginning is the absolutely best.

IMG_5809I will forever be grateful I could nurse them.

It’s true, the late nights, long nursing in the newborn stage turned out to become special memories.

My husband is the most incredible man in the world.

I’m weaker than I’ve ever been.

I’m stronger than I’ve ever been.

I don’t have control.

IMG_6227I have the ability to impact how these little people will one day understand God.

Vodka is good.

Everything feels better when they play together.



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